Fatherless Homes, Not Lack of Gun Control Likely Contribute to Mass Shootings

An article from 2018 may have some particular relevance to the current mass shooting discussion.

After the El Paso and Dayton, Ohio shootings, politicians on both sides started calling for some form of gun control.

However, they may be ignoring a bigger factor behind mass shootings.

Broken families.

Specifically, boys growing up in fatherless homes.

Suzanne Venker points out that of the 27 deadliest mass shootings in U.S History, 26 were raised in fatherless homes.

Venker also wrote, “Indeed, there is a direct correlation between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison.”

This demonstrates that these incidents are a reflection of a cultural breakdown taking place in America.

No legislation, especially red flag laws, will magically fix that.

Take for example, Connecticut.

The state passed one of the first iterations of red flag laws in 1999, and Adam Lanza still carried out his massacre at Sandy Hook in 2012.

Gun researcher John Lott confirms the futility of these red flag laws stating that “Red Flag laws appear to have had no significant effect on murder, suicide, the number of people killed in mass public shootings, robbery, aggravated assault or burglary. There is some evidence that rape rates rise. These laws apparently do not save lives.”

Americans will have to resurrect a civil society that has been gradually undermined by the therapeutic state in order to tackle this problem of mental health.

However, getting the government involved is no answer.