Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks Co-Sponsors Thomas Massie’s Bill to Abolish the Department of Education

Back in February 5, 2021, Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie introduced HR 899, a bill that would abolish the federal Department of Education. 

As Massie outlined in a tweet he posted on April 18, 2022, “The bill is one sentence:

‘The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2022.’”

Massie is not alone in pushing this bill. Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks announced his co-sponsorship of HR 899 on April 18. 

Massie tweeted, “Thank you to @RepMoBrooks for cosponsoring my bill to eliminate the Federal Department of Education (HR 899).”

So far, HR 899 has 17 co-sponsors. Brooks co-sponsorship of this bill would bring HR 899 to 18 sponsors.The Alabama congressman is one of the strongest proponents of America First nationalism in the United States House. It’s time for the Right to take the gloves off and start defunding and outright abolishing institutions that work against their constituents’ interests.

The cultural Left should be deprived of as many vehicles for influence propagation as possible.