Andy Biggs Roasts the Biden Regime for pushing Equity Program in the DHS

When it’s all said and done, the US’s administrative state’s indulgence in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives may be what pushes it into the abyss of civilizational destruction. 

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs highlighted one case of this corrosive institutional trend infecting the body politic of America. On April 15, Biggs tweeted about the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) new Equity Action Plan, which will likely feature DHS being staffed by certain minority and so-called “victim” groups. This is one way the post-national Democratic Party rewards its shrill constituents who are constantly launching ethnic grievances and begging for handouts along identity lines. 

Biggs tweeted, “Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security announced its first-ever DHS Equity Action Plan, which identifies seven focus areas to advance equity across the Department’s policies, programs, and operations.

It’s too bad they can’t release a plan for our southern border!”


There’s nothing about national security in this plan. It’s all about paying off the rainbow coalition’s constituencies. Due to how derelict the federal government has become in matters of border security, red states will likely be compelled to take immigration tasks into their own hands. The federal government has been fully absorbed by the pro-diversity mind virus, which destroys meritocracy and rewards sensitive positions based on certain victimhood checkmarks.

Once the US bureaucracy is fully captured by the diversity mindset, all sorts of institutional chaos will pop off. Red states need to prepare themselves for such nightmare scenarios and start staffing their agencies and political subunits with the most qualified people possible.