Daniel McAdams and Ron Paul Believe that NATO Should Have Been Disbanded 30 Years Ago

Estonia recently became the first NATO member to call for the military alliance to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

On March 15, 2022, the Estonian Parliament, the Riigikogu, formally declared its support for a “no-fly” zone. 

The parliament released the following statement: “The Riigikogu expresses its support to the defenders and the people of the state of Ukraine in their fight against the Russian Federation that has launched a criminal war, and calls on showing absolute support to Ukraine in its war for maintaining its freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

“The Riigikogu asks the UN member states to take immediate steps to establish a no-fly zone in order to prevent massive civilian casualties in Ukraine,” the statement added. “The Riigikogu urges all national parliaments to adopt statements that call on their governments to support the imposition of additional sanctions against the Russian Federation as well as the Republic of Belarus that participates in the aggression.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for a no-fly zone over Ukraine on multiple occasions. So far, the US government has made it clear that establishing a no-fly zone would be an escalatory action that could bring the country closer to war with Russia. This is simply due to the fact that a no-fly zone would require the U.S. to shoot down Russian aircraft, which would compel the Russians to take an even firmer response. 

In addition, the Estonian parliament urged for Western states to impose a full-blown trade embargo on Russia and Belarus, which would allegedly “restrict the capability of the aggressor states to wage war.”

While the majority of the US political class is calling for some action against Russia for its invasion, several voices on the non-interventionist Right have expressed restrained foreign policy views. 

In a recent clip for the Ron Paul Liberty Report, former congressman Ron Paul and Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams sounded off on Estonia’s recent demand for NATO to establish a no-fly zone. 

McAdams countered this call for a “no-fly” zone by saying that the U.S. should establish a “no-meddling zone.”

The RPI executive director also highlighted how Estonia’s call for this measure highlighted the “folly of NATO expansion” where NATO member countries like the US would be obligated to come to the defense of other “hysterical” members such as Estonia in the case that they’re attacked.

While Baltic countries have justifiable historical grievances with Russia, this is not the US’s fight. These countries along with other Eastern European allies should be thinking about building their own security architecture or even getting the rest of the EU to help craft a security strategy independent of the US.

Ultimately, the Russo-Ukrainian war is a European affair that does not require US involvement. Former congressman Paul is correct in calling for the disbanding of NATO and letting the US pursue a policy of neutrality abroad.