In a tremendous victory for equality and an incredible affront to human decency, a federal judge in Texas decreed that a military draft consisting of only men is unconstitutional. It’s time for women to put their lives on the line for whatever reason as well!
US District Court Judge Gray Miller, who was an appointee of globalist neocon President George W. Bush, declared that “the time has passed” for any debate on women being in the military. He issued the ruling late last Friday, and it is expected to have broad ramifications on the military moving forward.
The USA Today explains that it is actually the National Coalition for Men who filed this lawsuit to give U.S. women their fill of equality, good and hard:
“The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men’s rights group, and two men who argued an all-male draft was unfair.
Men who fail to register with the Selective Service System at their 18th birthday can be denied public benefits such as federal employment and student loans. Women cannot register for Selective Service.
The ruling comes as an 11-member commission is studying the future of the Selective Service System, including whether women should be included or whether there should continue to be draft registration at all. The U.S. has maintained an all-volunteer military after the draft was discontinued in 1973, but the Selective Service System was reactivated in 1980 as a contingency in case military conscription becomes necessary again.”
Harry Crouch, president of the National Coalition for Men, is ecstatic about this news and sees it as a big step forward for the cause of men’s rights.
“We have a ruling that says the way things are situated is unconstitutional, which is huge,” he said. “So that should cause the conversation to accelerate towards a resolution.”
“This is all about equitable treatment,” Crouch added.
“Women are now allowed in combat, so this decision is long overdue,” said Marc Angelucci, who works as the attorney for NCFM. “After decades of sex discrimination against men in the Selective Service, the courts have finally found it unconstitutional to force only men to register. Even without a draft, men still face prison, fines, and denial of federal loans for not registering or for not updating the government of their whereabouts. Since women will be required to register with the Selective Service, they should face the same repercussions as men for any noncompliance.”
Now that true equality is actually being achieved, perhaps feminists will start to realize that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. The sane thing to do would be to end the draft for all individuals regardless of their sex, but don’t expect any logic or sanity to come out of the corrupted US judicial system!