Hispanic Organization Endorses Rand Paul

As Hispanics grow as one of the largest minority voting blocs, with 13% of eligible voters being Hispanic per Pew Research data.

Republican strategists have racked their brains over how to attract Hispanic voters.

For now, Republicans like Kentucky Senator Rand Paul can rest easy knowing that he has support from organizations such as Bienvenido in Action 

In a tweet he posted on April 5, 2022, Paul tweeted about Bienvenido in Action’s endorsement, “Honored to have been endorsed by @BienvenidoIA. I’m grateful for their support and the work they do to spread liberty in our Hispanic communities!”


Earlier that day, Bienvenido in Action posted about his endorsement:

“Senator Rand Paul is a friend to the Hispanic community. He is a proven fighter for America and the values this country was founded on. Bienvenido In Action proudly stands behind him. @RandPaul


Bienvenido is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan organization with the aim of doing outreach to the Hispanic community. 

On its website, it laid out its principal goal:

Our mission is to celebrate and uplift the cultural values found in the Hispanic community. We work to increase and showcase civic participation from Hispanics who enrich our society, fight to preserve constitutional values, and provide peer support back to those in their community. 

Many Hispanics have largely assimilated to middle class norms. As a result, they’re not down with the Left’s open borders agenda, cultural radicalism, defund the police initiatives, and anti-small business measures. 

These are the types of Hispanics, not the ones flooding the southern border, that liberty conservatives should be doing outreach to. The best way to do so is by unapologetically supporting law and order, private initiative, and national populism.