Lauren Boebert Opposes Tax Hikes as a Strategy to Curb Inflation

America’s rising inflation crisis has demagogues of all stripes looking for a way to capitalize on America’s economic hysteria. The Biden administration is using the inflation crisis to justify new tax hikes.

Lauren Boebert gave her $.02 on the Biden administration’s proposal. She tweeted, “Raising taxes on corporations DOES NOT curb inflation, in fact it does the opposite. If your business got hit with a tax hike, would you lower the prices of your goods, or raise them up to offset the tax increase? We LITERALLY can’t afford garbage ideas like this.”

According to a report by The New York Post, the Biden administration wants to raise taxes on individuals worth over $100 million. Moreover, it’s aiming to slap taxes on the unrealized gains of stock holdings and other forms of wealth.  

Inflation is not an issue of taxation. It’s ultimately a monetary question. The loose monetary policy the Federal Reserve has pursued is the primary culprit behind America’s current inflationary woes. 

If the US leaders were serious about tackling inflation, it would at least make an effort to constrict its money supply. Ideally, it would abolish the Federal Reserve and allow for competing currencies to flourish. That’s not on the menu at the moment.

However, liberty conservatives need to make a big stink about a loose monetary policy causing inflation. More importantly, they will need to get anti-Fed candidates elected.

With an economic crisis before us, this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the flaws of loose money and central banking altogether.