Matt Gaetz Calls for Americans to Reject the New World Order

President Joe Biden’s speech at Business Roundtable’s CEO Meeting in Washington D.C. on March 21, 2022 got many American First activists’ Spidey-Senses tingling.

Biden invoked the term “New World Order” during his speech. In his speech, Biden noted that there are “significant opportunities to make some real changes” with regards to the geopolitical fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He added that the world is at an “inflection point” that takes place every 50 years or so.

For many on the Right, New World Order is a phrase that signifies a type of globalist political arrangement that various elite factions want to create, whereby national sovereignty and individual freedoms are eliminated. 

“As one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day, 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946. And since then, we’ve established a liberal world order, and that hadn’t happened in a long while,” Biden declared. “A lot of people dying, but nowhere near the chaos.”

“And now is a time when things are shifting. There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”

In response to Biden’s speech, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz tweeted, “Reject the New World Order. Embrace America First.”

Gaetz has been one of the most consistent America First voices in the US House who has stood strong when it comes to a non-interventionist foreign policy and strong immigration patriotism. 

Since he was installed in office, Biden has presided over a country that has been rocked by inflation, mass migration, and bungled foreign policy maneuvers abroad. With the breakdown of the global order largely brought about by governments’ responses to the Wuhan virus and the shock from the Russo-Ukrainian war, a reset of sorts is taking place.

In the US context, we could perhaps see a move by the North American elites to double down on previous NAFTA projects and gradually roll out a North American Union project to consolidate a globalist superstate in North America. Who knows. 

We’re living in interesting times as the previous liberal order is crumbling in real time. These times of crisis are when America First patriots stand strong and oppose any type of efforts to erode our sovereignty.