National Right to Work President Congratulates the NLRB for its New Pro-Worker Position

American workers continue to score victories against union bosses.

National Right to Work President Mark Mix released a statement commenting on National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Division of Advice’s newest position on employee rights.  The NLRB Division of Advice head Jayme Sophir and General Counsel Peter Robb have been directing regional directors to issue complaints against union leaders who fail to inform new employees of the reduced union fees they can pay by rejecting union membership under the precedent established by the CWA v. Beck Supreme Court decision.

According to a memo that Sophir issued to a director from Region 32, he stated that “it is difficult for an employee to make an informed decision about whether to become a Beck objector without knowing the amount of savings that would result from the decision.”

National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix commented on the NLRB’s new position:

The Foundation is proud to have represented the California employee whose charge against the UFCW resulted in this Advice Memo, as well as originating this heightened disclosure standard by winning the Beck decision at the Supreme Court and the Penrod decision at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.  Of course, while the NLRB has an obligation to enforce workers’ Beck rights against greedy union bosses, the ultimate solution to this issue is simply to make all union payments strictly voluntary by giving every worker in America the protection of federal Right to Work law.

Jacob Comello, the Media Director of National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, told Liberty Conservative News that “Foundation staff attorneys are currently litigating several cases to secure workers’ Beck rights, including a case that will soon go to trial in Portland, Oregon.”

Right to Work continues to see victories, big and small, on a daily basis. This movement aims to restore the freedom of association by making sure that mandatory union dues are not a condition of employment for millions of American workers.

With 27 states under the Right to Work fold, RTW is one of the most successful conservative legislative efforts in America.