Rand Paul Criticizes Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Donald Trump, but Keep Anthony Fauci Employed

Rand Paul is angry at some Republicans for their twisted political priorities. 

Specifically, he attacked a group of 5 Republican senators who voted “nay” on his amendment to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci but once voted to impeach former President Donald Trump. 

In a statement he sent to the Daily Caller, Paul expressed:

I guess I’m not surprised that Republican senators who voted to get rid of Donald Trump voted to keep Anthony Fauci.

Paul added:

Disappointed but not surprised. I think if Republican voters in their home states learn of this vote to keep Anthony Fauci, these voters will be very unhappy.

North Carolina Senator Richard Burr, Maine Senator Susan Collins, Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, Utah Senator Mitt Romney, and Kansas Senator Jerry Moran voted against Paul’s amendment. 

This grouping of Republicans voted to convict Trump.  Moran was the exception of this group. He criticized Trump but refused to convict the former president because he believed that it would establish a bad precedent. 

On March 14, 2022, Paul introduced an amendment that aimed to “eliminate” Fauci’s role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

“We’ve learned a lot over the past two years, but one lesson in particular is that no one person should be deemed ‘dictator-in-chief’,” Paul remarked. “No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans.”

According to Brianna Lyman of the Daily Caller, Paul’s proposed amendment would have Fauci’s position divided and replaced “with three  new directors for three new institutes: National Institute of Allergic Diseases, National Institute of Infectious Diseases and National Institute of Immunologic Diseases. Each director would be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.”

The terms for these positions would last five years.

Paul has been busy lately taking on the biosecurity state. LCN recently reported on the successful passage of a resolution that Paul sponsored which would repeal mask mandates on public transportation. 

It’s a telling sign that politicians spend more time and political capital trying to impeach Trump for a big nothingburger as opposed to taking on the unaccountable medical bureaucracy and keeping a parasite like Fauci employed. These people are swamp creatures through and through.

Pro-medical freedom single-issue groups should look at these votes with great interest. Such behavior needs to be punished in primary elections. It’s not enough to just complain online about Republicans acting like establishment hacks.