Recent Report Shows that the Department of Homeland Security May Release 100,000 Additional Migrants into America

The Biden administration has made no bones about its total disregard for national sovereignty. Case in point the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) tentative plan to let over 100,000 more migrants into the US’s interior on an annual basis.

This number would be tacked on to “the thousands released monthly from DHS custody”, according to John Binder of Breitbart News.

This plan proposed by DHS would vastly expand upon the Biden administration’s Catch and Release program where border crossers are placed into DHS facilities or motels designated for migrants for several days to later be bused or flown into the interior of America.  

Binder observed that roughly 100,000 migrant family units and border crossers from the age ranges of 18 to 21 stand to benefit from this policy “getting released into the U.S. interior via tracking methods that provide little-to-no enforcement in terms of making sure such border crossers show up to their asylum hearings.”

Furthermore, the plan aims to assist border interlopers with permanent resettlement in the U.S. by facilitating the enrollment of their children at schools while also providing adults with free legal counsel.

What’s more, the DHS’s plan would compel the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to grant a non-governmental organization (NGO) a contract on the taxpayer’s dime. 

This plan comes around the same time that House Democrats are pushing measures to defang interior immigration enforcement by broadening the scope of what is known as “Alternatives to Detention” for border crossers to guarantee that more illegal alien interlopers can flee into the interior. 

Democrats clearly view borders as a racist relic of the past that ultimately must be abolished to bring in their new voter base and reward their new corporate patrons with cheap labor. Liberty must be prepared to fight this lunacy tooth-and-nail.

Americans want secure borders and ready to reward any politician who answers the immigration call. Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 was testament to this, and liberty conservatives should always take that into consideration when running for office.