REPORT: Over 400 US Counties are Minority White

A recent report by Axios revealed that white, non-Hispanic Americans currently constitute less than 6 in 10 people in the United States. This represents a significant drop in the last decade that exceeded many experts’ projections.

In 13% of counties, whites are no longer a racial-ethnic majority. There will be major fights over redistricting in the next decade as state governments try to carve out congressional districts in a way that’s advantageous to the ruling party.

Specifically, white, non-Hispanic Americans comprise 58% of the American population, per data coming from the 2020 census released on August 12, 2021. This is lower than the projection of 60% and represents a significant drop from 64% in 2010.

Specifically, whites are not a majority in 400 of America’s 3,100+ counties, which is a notable increase from 340 a decade ago.

There is perhaps what Steve Sailer calls a “flight from white” taking place in America where white Americans no longer identify as white in government documents and other records in order to avoid purges from woke commissars. So the recent numbers released by the census could be a tad misleading. What’s undeniable is the chattering class’ hatred of America’s white population. 

This is why they will continue importing foreign migrants in order to dilute the legacy American population who built this country and create a new electorate that will reliably vote for politicians in the anti-white Democratic Party. If we want to promote racial harmony in America, we need to implement an immigration moratorium as soon as possible. The track record of instability of multicultural polities is undeniable and we do not need to add another chapter to this predictable story of political tribalism. 

A new nationalist political elite needs to rise up to the occasion and lead the way by pushing for legislation that protects the Historic American Nation and fosters social cohesion.