Sen. Rand Paul Endorses Gun Rights Sanctuaries: ‘Don’t Touch Our 2nd Amendment Rights!’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is encouraging counties in Kentucky to push back against gun-grabbing bureaucrats at war with the Bill of Rights by passing resolutions to become 2nd Amendment sanctuaries.

“Recently there has been a movement across Kentucky in support of preserving our 2nd Amendment rights,” Paul explained in a video address from Washington D.C.

“Citizens are taking action and passing resolutions declaring that their counties are 2nd Amendment sanctuaries. As a strong supporter of all constitutional rights, seeing the local movement on the protection of the 2nd Amendment is a stark reminder of how fragile these rights can become when threatened,” he added.

Paul gave a brief lesson in American history, explaining how gun rights are paramount to maintaining a free Republic.

“The right to protect ourselves, our families, and our property was enshrined in the founding documents of this great nation for a reason. The right to bear arms is vital to the protection of all our liberties, like speech and the rest of the Bill of Rights,” he said.

“When it comes to this issue, the people of Kentucky are speaking up, and they are speaking up loudly. Efforts to pass these resolutions are now underway in more than 50 counties. Kentuckians and local authorities across the Commonwealth are sending a big message to their state leaders, and it’s one I am proud to help spread on behalf of those I represent: Don’t touch our 2nd Amendment rights,” Paul concluded.

The entire video address can be seen here:

The efforts of Kentucky gun rights activists are being buoyed by newly-elected Democrat Governor Andy Beshear’s public support of unconstitutional red flag laws. Counties are stepping up to show Beshear and other gun grabbers in the state that their intolerable acts will be rejected.

“Any time you see gun crimes occur, you’re not seeing law-abiding citizens involved in those crimes. We don’t feel like that law-abiding citizens should be infringed upon. They have this right as guaranteed by the Constitution of this country,” said Judge-Executive Dan Mosley of Harlan County, a Kentucky county that has been declared a 2nd Amendment sanctuary.

“Folks who had saw what was going on in Virginia. And, many counties over there passed the resolution, declaring themselves as a sanctuary county for the Second Amendment,” Mosley said.

“It’s just a belief that I have and I’ve had it since I was a kid. If we keep letting people walk on us we won’t have any rights at all, whatsoever,” Harmon added.

Paul is the first U.S. Senator to go on the record defending the 2nd Amendment sanctuary movement, showing yet again that he is the national leader in the fight for liberty.