Thomas Massie Agrees With Trump: Paul Ryan is a Chump!

Thomas Massie backs President Donald Trump’s choice words on former House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Ryan caused controversy in the last week after excerpts from his new book, American Carnage, were leaked to the press. In this book, he criticized President Trump’s actions during the 2016 campaign trail and while in office from 2016 to 2018 right before his retirement from Congress.

In response to Ryan’s remarks, Trump declared that “Paul Ryan was not a talent. He wasn’t a leader” in a video from last week.

Trump spoke the cold, hard truth about the former Speaker’s weak-kneed, conformist leadership.

It wasn’t until Trump got into the picture that Ryan was actually able to get things done, above all, shepherd through Trump’s tax cuts.

However, Trump’s most significant reforms were done in the regulatory space, which he acknowledged.

I got regulations cut, mostly without him.

The Kentucky Congressman agreed with President Trump’s assessment of the former House Speaker.

He echoed these sentiments in a tweet, where he said, “100% agree with @realDonaldTrump on this. It’s why I NEVER voted for Paul Ryan for speaker. Tried to warn others!”

Massie was referring to his vote against Paul Ryan for Speaker in 2017.

Ryan was definitely part of the problem in Washington, D.C.

Like previous leadership, he has maintained the status quo of massive welfarism, military adventurism, and central banking. In fact, it took a Trump executive order to actually put a dent in the overwhelming regulatory state America finds itself in.

This just goes to show how useless Congress has become in moving reforms forward.

The America First movement is the future and it’s best that it be able to get more congressman on that wavelength from now on. The Paul Ryans of yesterday have to go.