Thomas Massie Outlines the Connection of the Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex to the Military-Industrial Complex

It’s become a regular habit in liberty conservative circles to draw comparisons between the War on Terror and domestic policy.

The same practices used abroad are used to police behavior at home. The never-ending wars the US government has prosecuted in far-off lands have been a boon for defense contractors and foreign policy bureaucrats. 

Similarly, the never-ending Wuhan virus insanity is every pharmaceutical industry executive’s wet dream. By hyping up the alleged dangers of the Wuhan virus, politicians have helped their pharmaceutical donors in a big way. As people panic about the virus, they instantly turn to Big Pharma for all sorts of medical concoctions. 

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie gets the bigger picture when it comes to the bio-security state. Massie tweeted on April 15, 2022, “COVID is to the Multinational Pharmaceutical Industry as Afghanistan was to the Military Industrial Complex.

They have no interest in seeing it end as long as taxpayers are footing the bill.”

Domestic and international politics are intertwined in managerial America. The logic of domestic social engineering is also applied abroad and vice versa.

Few politicians, with the exception of the Ron Paul Republicans, understand this. It’s one of the principal features of the current era.  It’s up to liberty conservatives to get things right at home and also abroad.

The US is clearly in an imperial phase and it will need to scale back all forms of intervention, lest it want to go through the inevitable process of imperial decay that countless great civilizations have gone through across history.