Thomas Massie Says People Should be More Worried About Domestic Tyranny than Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

There are few representatives who have a clue about what’s actually going on in the world. And more importantly, the very threats that we actually face. 

Thomas Massie is one of those few elected officials who gets the bigger picture issues and knows who the real enemies are. 

With regards to the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, Massie is one of the few elected officials who has his head on straight. He has called for non-intervention in this brutal conflict. Instead, he highlighted the real threat to Americans — an expansive government at home. 

He tweeted on February 25, 2022:

If you want to fight communists in Eastern Europe, head on over. I’m worried about the abandonment of our Constitutional Republic and troubling shift toward communism and autocracy here.

This has been a problem with the US Right. They’re always looking for boogieman — Be it China, Iran, or Russia — as the enemy. Completely ignoring that the real, existential threat to our freedoms is in Washington DC and corporate board rooms.  

Sure, there are countries with governments abroad that are nasty and not entities I would praise nor would I want the US to emulate. However, it’s the height of neoconservative fanaticism to suggest these governments are a direct threat to the US. The US has two moats in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean along with a massive nuclear arsenal that makes it virtually unassailable against external actors. 

All things considered, the threats America faces are internal not external. Anyone who doesn’t get that in 2022, is clearly not paying attention.