Former Republican congressman Ron Paul called out individuals who were eager to "do something" in the wake of mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. Unlike many politicians and commentators,  Paul gets the bigger picture. He recognizes...
On Thursday, September 26, 2019, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy signed an executive order which protects Alaska government employees’ First Amendment rights in accordance to the Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision. It mandates that state...
The Hill reports that Senator Rand Paul wants the whistleblower behind the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump to "come forward" due to the political fallout from the complaint. "Ultimately, if someone's going to accuse you...
On October 2, 2019, former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger was unanimously sentenced to 10 years in prison for a murder charge. On September 6, 2018, Guyger was responsible for killing the 26-year-old accountant Botham Jean...
Ballotpedia reports that public-sector unions donated $159.8 million to candidates at the federal, state, or local level. The top five states where political candidates received the most monetary contributions from public-sector unions were California, Illinois, Oregon,...
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul supports President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw troops from Northern Syria. Paul tweeted on Monday, October 7, 2019, "I stand with @realDonaldTrump today as he once again fulfills his promises to stop...
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 President Trump announced the withdrawal of U.S. troops in northeast Syria. This now sets the stage for Turkey to mount an attack against Syrian Kurdish forces that played an integral...
South Carolina State Assemblyman Stewart Jones recently wrote about the Federal Reserve's easy money policies in a piece for the Tenth Amendment Center. He noted that "The days of cheap money will soon come to an...
America First Congressman Matt Gaetz has maintained his non-interventionist course so far, as he now backs President Donald Trump's efforts to remove American troops from Syria. Responding to Meghan McCain's comments on The View, Gaetz tweeted in disagreement...
In an excellent Reason article, Jacob Sullum argues that states with red flag gun confiscation laws are depriving their residents of their Second Amendment rights. Sullum highlights the tragic case of Gary Willis, a Maryland man who...
Last week, Constitutional Carry was introduced in Florida. State Representative Anthony Sabatini filed a bill — HB 273 — that would remove the licensing requirement for law-abiding individuals to carry a firearm without a license. In...
In a disappointing move to placate the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Trump is planning to send thousands of additional troops to the Middle Eastern country. This move comes in response to last month's Aramco attacks. Reuters reported...
The past week has been quite amusing for anti-war supporters within the America First movement. On October 7, 2019, President Donald Trump announced that he would remove troops from Northern Syria in an effort to phase...
The Free Thought Project reported on a high school freshman in Florida getting suspended for five days earlier this month for wearing a hat that read “Taxation is theft” and also handing out flyers for...
On an episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report, former Congressman Ron Paul stated that President Trump could not "depend on the media" to defend him throughout the recent  impeachment drama. In fact, one can already...
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul might have been on to something last week when he said that the Kurds are more likely to find peace with Turkey in Syria in light of President Donald Trump's move...
Is John Bolton the second whistleblower in the current Ukraine scandal? While he was national security advisor to President Donald Trump, Bolton was allegedly disturbed by the Trump administration's moves to have the Ukranians investigate Trump's...
A secretive surveillance court ruled that the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s electronic surveillance activities were a clear violation of the constitutional rights to privacy of Americans. U.S. spying programs have traditionally held their own against legal...