They are supporting the "1619 Project" as an attack on the U.S. Constitution and American liberty.
This is another example of how America is dangerously over-regulated.
Trump intends to fulfill his 'America First' mandate abroad.
The liberty-minded former state senator has earned the respect of his colleagues.
The Saudi-backed war is crumbling, and the UAE is removing their coalition support.
Trump is moving toward an ‘America First’ foreign policy.
The Hong Kong protests appear to be a soft U.S.-backed intervention against the Chinese government.
They desperately want President Trump to put more troops there.
Manning continues her steadfast refusal to divulge information against whistle-blower Julian Assange.
They are not letting this current crisis go to waste.
Paul is still suffering from complications from the attack.
Omar has inadvertently proven Paul's point about her lack of respect for liberty.
Paul is calling out the anti-American legislator for her seething hatred of liberty.
The amendment only received 47 votes, but a crucial point was made.